Carl Sarg eant AM
 Minister for Natural Resources
 Welsh Government
 Tŷ Hywel


8 July 2015

Dear Carl

Proposal for European Regulation on GMOs

At our meeting on 22 June 2015, we considered the European Commission’s proposals for a new Regulation on the use of genetically modified food and feed.

We noted that the UK Government’s Explanatory Memorandum gives no indication that the devolved administrations will be able to take their own decisions in relation to this proposed Regulation. As matters relating to agriculture are devolved, can you confirm that this matter will be decided by the Welsh Government and National Assembly? It would also be helpful if you could provide us with details of any discussions you have had with the UK Government on this issue.  

We are aware that a number of parliaments and regional assemblies have highlighted concerns about the proposals, including the Thüringen (German), Romanian and Irish parliaments. The Thüringen State Parliament has summarised its concerns as:

“Bearing in mind the very strict legal requirements set out by the Commission in its proposal, it is highly questionable whether it is actually possible for a Member State to adopt opt-out measures in compliance with EU-law, especially with regards to the international obligations of the Union. Questionable is also to what extent the involvement of all 28 EU states in the mandatory notification and control procedure contributes to fulfil the intended objectives.”


We would be interested to know to what, if any, extent you share these concerns.

Yours sincerely

DPO's Signature

David Melding AM

Chair, Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee


Croesewir gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg.

We welcome correspondence in Welsh or English.